Grandad's Venison Jerky/Canadian Bacon Recipe Cut Venison into strips (appr 1"x1"x5") Put Venison and Seasoning in ziploc bag and marinade in refrigerator for 2-3 days Thread the Venison to hang (he uses kite string I think) Smoke (w/pecan wood) for 4-7 hours (Jonathan thinks water heater works better than the barrell pit) Hang to dry in cool dark place till done. (for Canadian bacon eliminate this last step. Just cook/eat or freeze) From grandad's letter Cut muscles up to 1 inch wid and 1/2 inch thick to desired length. Make sure to remove fat and gristle. String meat for hanging. 1 Tbsp tender quick salt 1 tsp sugar 1/2 tsp coarse ground pepper 1 lb meat Mix well and place in a plastic bag and seal. Refrigerate over night. Hang it up and smoke it 3 hours over a very low fire. Best to use green mesquite or fruit wood for smoking. Or, it can be dried in oven at very lowest setting overnight. [8 hours]